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Review: Sammi Tsai - I no longer look like a different person before and after makeup

The stark contrast before and after makeup is one of the things that ate at Sammi's confidence. Today, she looks radiantly flawless foundation-free, you'll never be able to guess her age!

"My skin used to be dull and sallow and the cheek areas were especially saggy. I used to love putting on makeup but whenever I removed my makeup at night, my confidence would be affected when I saw how different I looked bare-faced.

I started noticing changes to my skin after using DR's Secret for 1 month. My skin felt cleaner and more hydrated. In less than 6 months, my friends started commenting that I looked more radiant.

I no longer look like a different person before and after makeup. Nowadays, I go out foundation-free and would even receive compliments for my good skin!" - Sammi Tsai, 37

*Individual results may vary